Interview with Michael Tapia 生粋の服好きを虜にする、マイケル・タピアの魅力とは?


ーSince you came back from Paris, you’ve been handling everything by yourself and keeping the production no too huge. Are you intentionally going to keep the same pace from now on, too?

マイケル:ようやく LAのことが分かり始めたばかりなので、今から人を少し雇おうかと思っているところなんだ。今はフリーランスの人に手伝ってもらっているんだけどね。彼は僕の代わりに工場を回ってクオリティコントロールをしてくれている。僕は彼に電話して「どこそこを回ってチェックしてきてほしい」と言えばいい。その日か週の終わりに彼から請求書を受け取り、僕が支払う。このやり方は簡単でフレキシブルなんだけど、彼は社員ではないんだ。今年はダウンタウンかどこかに自分のデザインオフィスをゲットして、会社を育てたい。だけど、LAを知り、ここで何ができるかが分かるまでは小規模でいいと思ってる。僕は会社を大きくしすぎることには懐疑的なんだ。ゆっくり確実に成長していきたい。コレクションの出来が会社の成長に見合わなければならない。だから、コレクションの出来に満足し、これでいける!と思うまでは小規模でやっていくよ。
Michael:I’ve just begun to understood what LA is. And in the next couple of months, I’m thinking about hiring some full time staff. Because now in LA I have a freelance staff. He can go around, check factory, and control quality for me. He’s a freelance, so I call him up and say, “ hey, I need you to go here and there, and check it for me.” At the end of the day or the week, he sends me a bill and I pay. It’s very easy and flexible. But he doesn’t belong to my office. This is another thing. But my goal for this year is to get an office, I haven’t decided if I should go downtown or not. But get my design office, and start to build more. But while I’m still discovering LA, while I‘m figuring out what I can do in LA, I want to keep it small. You know I don’t believe in growing too big. I believe in growing slowly, but surely. But my collection has to merit the move. Until I feel I’m satisfied with the collection, where I feel the collection is strong enough, I’ll stay small.


ーThat’s great. That’s a realistic thinking.

Michael:There’s still so much for me to do in LA. There are so many more distinctive products that I can create in LA. I’m still discovering. This is just a beginning. I was in Europe for almost 20 years, so I have to start from zero, start over, and build relationships. In America, people don’t say anything. In Italy, people are so friendly and tell you everything they know about the business. But here in LA, they say nothing. They don’t want to share. Yesterday, I asked a guy, “Where do you make this shirt?” He said, “oh, I have several people” I said, “ who are you making your shirt with?” He doesn’t want to tell me. Americans don’t talk. So, it takes a long time. You have to drive and look around by yourself to find if something interesting is happening in the neighborhood. It might be the place where you might have driven passed over 500 times, but for the first time you actually stop your car and find something interesting. That’s how you get necessary information around here.




コットンとリネンを混紡した、ほどよい透け感のあるさわやかな素材。 生地をバイアスにとっているので、付かず離れずの適度なフィット感がある。やや長めの丈も子供っぽくならずに好印象。¥24,000



ーPeople are afraid that somebody will take it over.

Michael:Yeah. And it’s so stupid. That’s called “trade secret”, and Americans love it. In Europe, it’s more open. Maybe a little more protective in France, but in Italy it’s easier. Otherwise, they’ll die. In Europe, if you don’t help your makers, they’ll die. So people want to help so that they can survive. Here, it’s a different thing.  I try to do something unique, so it’s also more difficult. It’s been taking me 3 years to really understand where to buy, to make, and how to do it. So, to answer your question, I feel like after 4 years, I get to this point where now I can say “Now I can start making products just as I wish”. In here, I can create anything here. Out there, right price, right quality, right service, right delivery. Here I can do anything, but what I can do here, I want out there. So, that takes time. You need patience. And Japan has allowed me to take that time. They say it’s ok to go slowly but surely. I think we have 30 customers in Japan, maybe. I’ll go slowly in America, too. The Italians are the same. It takes 7 years to make a jacket. And this is true. To make a beautiful Italian jacket takes 7 years. Because they take careful steps so as not to fail. Failure in America is a funny thing. Americans are not afraid of failure, which is nice. In Europe they are super hard. They don’t accept failure. What I like about being here is that failure is considered to be a wonderful process to achieve excellence. It’s frustrating, but if you persist, you’ll have a vision, you know. This is amazing. That’s why I want to be here, not in Europe, not in France. I want my brand to be something from Los Angeles. When people buy my shirts in the future, I want them to think, “ wow, this looks like Los Angeles somehow.” I want to put into my clothes elegance and ideas. I don’t care about anything else. If my company has 5 people, 10 people, 50 people, it doesn’t matter. I just don’t want to manage people. My goal is not be a boss and manage people. I’d like to manage myself, which is already difficult. Sunday night he drank too much, she got a boyfriend, someone’s wife is pregnant. I don’t want to hear that. I just want to work, and go home. Now you can tell I’m not a guy who likes a big team, right?

ーSo, You’d rather be a creator than a manager.


Michael:This concept is actually kind of Californian tradition. They call it “designer manufacturer”. It’s not a new concept. In California, they produce, they make stuff, but still small and unique, This is kind of my goal. I don’t want 5 lawyers around me all the time.
