A Story Les Chroniques Purple Elein Fleiss x Yusuke Nagai 『Purple』の生みの親、 エレン・フライスの新たな境地とは?
エレン: 私の教育の一部でなかったのはやっぱり、文学や文章との関係性ですね。これらはだいぶ後になってから巡り会いました。私の父はとても視覚的な人で、彼の興味は常にアートにありました。両親は展覧会のカタログやアートに関する書籍以外は、あまり読書をするような人たちではなかったんです。私は後から映画や文学と出会い、自分がアートよりもそれらのジャンルにより興味があることに気づかされました。アートは私への教育の中で常に大きな役割をなしていましたが、私は違う道を追求する決心をしました。そうでなければ今もアート業界で活動していたと思います。しかし、私もオリヴィエも、アートのみの枠にとらわれたくはなかったんです。
Elein: What was not a part of my education is more the link with literature and text. This was something that I discovered much later. My father was a very visual person, and was very interested in art. My parents don't read much; only art catalogues and art text. I later discovered cinema and literature, and at one point I realized that I was more interested in literature and cinema than I was in visual art. Visual art was something that I naturally held close to my education, however I later decided to go in a different direction. Otherwise I would have stayed in the art world, but Olivier and I came to decide that we didn't really like being caught in the sole framework of the arts.
永井: 『パープル』がここまで世界的に広がった理由をご自分ではなんだと思いますか?
Nagai: What do you think is the reason for Purple being read so widely throughout the world?
エレン: 祐介さんが言う、「世界的に広まった『パープル』」とは『パープル ファッション マガジン』のことじゃないかしら?(笑)それ以前は特異な分野を取り上げつつも、幅広く流通していませんでした。もちろん、今でこそ世界中で読まれていますが、第1号の創刊当初から、インターナショナルな雑誌だったのかもしれないですね。他のアート紙とは異なっていました。
Elein: You know, I'm wondering if the Purple that you mention here as being widely read is in fact Purple Fashion Magazine (laughs). Before that it was not so widely distributed but was more precise. It's true that it was read worldwide. It was actually international from the offset even in the very first issue. This was not the case for other art magazines.
Perhaps it is because my education had always been very international. I had always travelled with my parents to visit different artists, but I had never really felt that 'French' in myself somehow. I think this is more on my side as Olivier is more French than I am. For me it was very natural from the very first issue in 1992 to have writers from different places contribute. Therefore, I feel that the content was naturally more cosmopolitan, and I think the readers were as well. If you make a French art magazine with French writers about French art, I don't think it is very interesting for international readers. So it was not a strategy, but it was something that came about very naturally.
That was one of the issues I had when I started the website. Literature is very important to me and I work better with text when it is in French, but I really could not work on something that was written entirely in French. It wasn't strange for me to ask someone from Israel or from Japan to contribute something because I don't focus on differences in cultural or geographical frontiers. Instead, I tend more to notice the sensibilities and characteristics of the text. This (international element) I suppose is what I always kept in my mind. I was always with American artists as a child, and I also had met Man Ray several times and we went on family holidays together.
永井: やっぱり、ユン・キットさんとの出会いがインターネットを通したものであったことが興味深いですね。
Nagai: I again think it is interesting how you found Jun Kit through the Internet.
エレン: そうですね。何の躊躇もなく、今回のプロジェクトに声を掛けさせてもらいました。アート業界ではあり得ないことですよね。遠い国で暮らし、ましてや、一度も会ったことのない赤の他人に普通こんなお願いはしません。人はある特定の業界と範囲の中でのみ、繋がりを見出すんだと思います。今回の書籍に掲載されているアルゼンチン出身の方たちとは、10年ほど一緒に仕事をしていますが、一度も直接お会いしたことはないですね。
Elein: Yes, and I wasn't afraid to ask him to contribute. I noticed that no one would do this in the art world. No one would ask a complete stranger in a country far away whom they've never met, to do something like this. I think people connect with a specific world and a specific code. There are some people that I have never met for instance, the Argentinian contributors whom I have now been working with for over 10 years.
At Purple we were also receiving a lot of works from photographers who wanted to be in Purple, but at one point it became too much. However we did look at everything and we didn't hesitate to ask people really young, or people from a completely different place. In the case of Amit Berlowitz, she came to see me once when I lived in Paris and we met in a cafe. I have to say, that at one point there was so much demand that I wasn't able to look at submissions anymore. Now the case is different of course. I don't get many people contacting me as I've somewhat detached myself from this specific scene.
永井: エレンが『パープル』を発行してそれが世界中へと広まった。ユン・キットさんがマレーシアでそれを読み、自身のブログで取り上げた。そのブログをまた、あなたがご覧になった。そのような経緯で改めて読者との繋がりを見出すんですね。これはとても面白いコンセプトだと思います。今回の新たなプロジェクトでもまた、インターネットを通じてさまざまな人たちと出会ったんですね。
Nagai: So through publishing Purple it became widely distributed throughout the world, Jun Kit read it in his country and then did something on his blog which you saw, and in such a way you reconnected to the readers of Purple. I think that this is an interesting concept. Again, for this new project you connected with different people through the Internet.
エレン: ネットを使うことにいくつかの利点があったことは確かですが、やっぱりそこにはある種の「軽さ」が存在します。ネットでは分け隔てなく誰でも好きなことを掲載することが可能なので、紙媒体に印刷したものに比べるとどうしてもクオリティーが下がってしまうと思います。インターネットで一番惹かれるのは、全く経費がかからないということでした。お金がかからないということが、私をとても安心させました。今のご時世、出版資金を集めるのはとても難しいんです。これは課題の一つとして、私を大いに悩ませてきましたね。
Elein: There were some good things about it in fact, but in a way it was 'lighter.' In general the quality of things on the Internet are not as good as that on paper because of its nature that allows anyone and anything to be published. One thing I really liked a lot at first is again, the fact that I did not need to look for money. It was free, and that was a big relief. It's very hard to find money to publish these days, and this factor has always weighted heavily on me.
私たちはあたかも成功しているように思われがちですが、二人ともビジネスが苦手だったんです。苦労は耐えませんでしたね。たとえ資金調達に成功したとしても、ページ数を増やしたりカラーにしたりとさまざまな要望が増えていくので、出費はさらにかさみました。ある種の悪循環でしたね。オリヴィエはその後もページ数やコンテンツを増やす方向で進めていきました。『パープル ファッション マガジン』の発行には膨大な経費がかかりますが、彼は多くの資金を調達するのに成功したみたいです。
People think we were successful, but perhaps we were not very good business people. It was always a struggle. It is a vicious circle because even if we succeed and gain funds, there is again the desire to print more pages, and the inclusion of content in color that is ultimately rather expensive. I think Olivier continued in this manner, of increasing the number of pages and content. I think the printing of Purple Fashion Magazine was going to be very expensive, but I think he was able to raise an enormous amount of money.
However, he is still in the same situation. He spends more money, but it is the same system as when we started. We would always have another job on the side such as consulting, which he just does on a bigger scale than I do. I didn't like doing these jobs on the side. I think in a way if you sell your creativity to many others you tend to lose your spontaneity and spark. This is why that in general for photographers who after 10 years or so of doing a lot of advertising and editorial jobs, their work becomes less interesting. I think I've strayed away from your question a little bit perhaps.
永井: 最後の質問となりますが、このプロジェクトの次に何をされる予定ですか?
Nagai: Now for the final question, what do you plan to do after this project?
エレン: 小さなアート・プロジェクトを一つ控えています。新たに暮らし始めた村で最近ひとりのアーティストと出会ったんですが、彼女もまたパリやブリュッセルで生活をした後、私と同じような考えを持って地方へと移住したんです。彼女の家は周囲に何もない大自然の中に建っていますが、その家の室内にディスプレイを作ってほしいと依頼されました。私の家も小さな店舗スペースに隣接しているので、今後二人でこのプロジェクトを追求していこうと思っています。私は多分、写真関係のディスプレイを作ることになると思います。この企画は6月からスタートする予定だったんですが、私自身今回の(レ クロニーク パープル)プロジェクトで忙しかったので、 実際は7月に先延ばしになりそうです。私たちは一年を通して毎月新しいディスプレイを製作していきます。これはどちらかというと、とても個人的なプロジェクトになると思いますね。
Elein: I have a small art project. I recently met an artist in the place where I live. She also used to live in Paris and Brussels, and had then moved to the country in a similar spirit of mine. She proposed to me that we do a vitrine in her house that is completely remote in the middle of nowhere. In my house in my village I also have a little storefront, so we are going to work together on this. I suppose I will work with photography. In fact, we were supposed to start in June but because I have been very busy with this current project, I think we are going to postpone it to July. Over the course of one year, we are going to do a different vitrine each month. I suppose this will be a more personal project.
My other project is to buy a plot of land and have my house built, but perhaps this will not be so soon. I also consider this to be like a project in a way because recently I have read some things about Chinese intellectuals and literates in the 18th century, who were writers but were also tending their gardens. I think very close to this. I see my life writing and being around friends, cooking, picking wild vegetables, and tending a garden. This is something that is important to me. For now I do live in the country, but in the village I don't have a garden. I just have a little place to keep a few pots outside my home. So I think I am still in a transition, and the future will be to leave the village and to have the natural landscape all around me.
永井: それは素晴らしいですね。
Nagai: That's wonderful.
エレン: 今の暮らしは以前と大きく変わりません。より静かで小規模な生活ですが、所詮村という環境です 。私の村には映画館まであります。そこはちょっとアートな雰囲気の映画館で、時折面白い作品を上映しています。ジム・ジャームッシュのほか、中国の若手映画監督の作品なども上映されています。地方暮らしを希望しつつも自然に関する知識が全くと言っていいほどなかった私にとって、このような環境に巡り会えたのは奇跡でした。また、新しく生活を始めた村で、サンフランシスコの「シティライトブックストア(City Lights Bookstore) 」(サンフランシスコ・ノースビーチにある詩人ローレンス・ファーリンゲッティが設立した老舗書店であり、ビートカルチャー発祥の本屋)の店主を勤めていた方とお会いしたのも不思議なご縁です。こういう村はフランスでは他にあまりないと思うので、とてもラッキーでした。そうでなければ、村といえば静かで何もない場所になりがちです。もしこの村の住民が全員フランス人であったとしたら、私もなかなかここでの生活に馴染むことができなかったでしょう。なぜなら、私自身フランス人のみのコミュニティーで暮らしたことがなかったからです。私の住む村の住民のほとんどが外国人で、誰しもが偏見を持っていないのです。
Elein: For the moment my life is not completely different. It's much more quite and on a smaller scale, but I am nonetheless still in a village. There is even a cinema in my village, which a kind of arty cinema where they have some very good films. I know they play Jim Jarmusch and some works by contemporary Chinese filmmakers. This is miracle because I wanted to live in the country, but at the same time I didn't know anything about it. The fact that I arrived in a village and encountered someone who used to run the City Lights Bookstore in San Francisco is really strange. I don't think there are many villages like this in France, so I was incredibly lucky. Otherwise a village could be really dead and quiet. If there were only French people living there I would have felt very strange because I am not used to living in a solely French community. In my village, most people are foreigners and they are very open-minded.
Les Chroniques Purple
サイズ:A4 変形(210×279mm)
制作:VACANT、 Les Editions Purple
発行元:VACANT(Fat Love Co. Ltd.)
AD:エレン・フライス、永井祐介(VACANT/NO IDEA)
『Les Chroniques Purple』巡回展
会場:Center for COSMIC WONDER Osaka
会期:6月6日(金)~ 22日(日)
NADiff a/p/a/r/t
MARUZEN&ジュンク堂書店 梅田店