例えば絵画や建築、交響楽団の演奏など、明確な哲学と技術によって裏付けられながらも、エクスキューズを必要としないものが存在します。〈プロパー・ギャング(Proper Gang)〉が撮り下ろしたルックも、まさしくそれに該当するでしょう。
There are many things that do not need excuses from philosophy or technologies, for example paintings and architecture, performances of the symphony orchestra etc.
The Proper Gang 17ss new look book is just like this.
if i had to convey minimum information, The look book was taken in NY on styling 17SS Proper Gang collection.
If you look close enough, you will get the idea.The interpretation is left to the viewer.
Of course it is a good thing to be interested in the details of wear and background of street fashion, but to feel the spirits behind them is also important.
Nobody can really teach us, we have to feel and figure out for ourselves.
That is also the best part of fashion.
Text_Taiyo Nagashima