The purse strings are loose. Buy everything you want!
We visited Casting Higashikurume Store. The store offers an overwhelming lineup of products for all kinds of fishing, including bass, salt, mountain streams, and so on. Like children in a toy store, the members of the group were excited and ready to shop.
Director of HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB . . said, "I was looking forward to it. . Whenever I come to a fishing tackle shop, I always stay there for a long time and tend to buy things other than what I want. Today, I'm looking for reels, but I'm planning to buy a lot of other things as well."
. works on everything from fashion media to brand lookbooks. I'm not unhappy with the reel I'm currently using at SWAGGER, but I'm considering upgrading it to make it even better! I'd like to take my time and consider it."
He has worked in marketing and media production for all kinds of brands. Last year, he published a fishing lifestyle magazine, BEFORE YOU WAKE UP . . "You can never have too many reels. I'm going to beef up my gear."
. writes mainly for fashion magazines and web magazines. I always come to fishing tackle shops alone, so it's more fun when I'm with other people! I don't really know how to choose a bait reel from the Internet, so I need the staff to tell me."
. shoots for magazines, websites, and advertisements, from fashion to the outdoors. I wanted the perfect reel for SWAGGER , but I couldn't afford it because I was so worried about it. Today is the day I hope to find the perfect partner for me."