Translated By DeepL

Beauty seen in the ambiguity of handwork. Masakatsu Tsumura, Hirofumi Kurino and Keiji Kaneko talk about PERIOD FEATURES.
A tripartite discussion about Period Features.

Beauty seen in the ambiguity of handwork. Masakatsu Tsumura, Hirofumi Kurino and Keiji Kaneko talk about PERIOD FEATURES.

There is a brand called "PERIOD FEATUERS," which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year.
Mr. Tsumura, who has worked as an editor, photographer, and designer, says that this is the first time he has been interviewed by the Japanese media. The trilogy will be led by Hirofumi Kurino, Senior Advisor to UNITED ARROWS, who has known Tsumura since before the brand was launched, and Keiji Kaneko, who has been buying "Period Features" since its early days.
What came to light through the discussion of Mr. Tsumura's background, thoughts, and manufacturing in India in the form of a trilogy was the absolute originality of this brand. Behind the brand's originality lies Mr. Tsumura's unique rut, which no one else can imitate.

  • Photo_Ryuhei Komura
  • Text_Yukina Moriya
  • Edit_Taiyo Nagashima


Masakatsu Tsumura

Born in 1958. . He has a diverse background as a stylist, photographer, and store interior designer. Impressed by the Indian handicrafts he encountered during his travels throughout Asia, he launched his own brand, Period Features, in 2013.


Hirofumi Kurino

. Born in 1953. After graduating from college, he worked in the fashion retail industry as a sales representative, buyer, and brand director before participating in the founding of "United Arrows" in 1989. He has served as head of the sales promotion department and creative director , and is currently a senior advisor to the company. In charge of creative direction.


Keiji Kaneko

. Born in 1973. After working as a buyer for the select store EDIFICE, he became independent. After working on his own, he launched "Reshop" in 2015. . He also supervises various brands and labels.



Dates: September 29 (Friday) ~ October 6 (Friday)
Place: L'ECHOPPE Aoyama store
Instagram: @lechoppe.com