Finally, the fashion festival Paris Fashion Week Mens AW2019 will be held. Many people are watching to see what kind of shows will be presented by brands from all over the world.
In the midst of all this, the leading Japanese brand Takahiromiyashita the Soloist. (TAKAHIROMIYASHITATheSoloist.), a leading Japanese brand, will hold a runway show there. This will be designer Takahiro Miyashita's first show in Paris in 10 years, since his show for "NUMBER (N)INE" in 2009.
The show will begin at 4:00 a.m. on Wednesday, January 16 (8:00 p.m. local time on January 15). Here.sightOr, you can use the InstagramOfficial AccountsYou can watch the show from It is precisely because we live in an age when it is so easy to experience the realism of a local show right here in Japan. This is something you cannot afford to miss.
Fans from the "Number Nine" era, as well as those who are not fans, are invited to watch in real time to see what kind of moves Mr. Miyashita will make in the fashion scene.
Text_Ryotaro Miyazaki