Translated By DeepL

Look out for Flea Time, a market event where you can enjoy deep Osaka.

Fashion-related market events rooted in the local community are gaining momentum in various parts of the country. Flea Time," to be held on August 11 (Sun.) in Minamihorie, Osaka, is another notable flea market event that is packed with local Osaka charm.

The event name "Flea" has two meanings: "Free" and "Flea" (flea market). The event will feature a wide variety of unique stores that are unique to Osaka, including "IMA:ZINE" and "THE UNION," which HOUYHNHNM's has been following, "GRIZZLY," a representative Osaka vintage clothing shop, and "Hitomizuya," which is owned by HIDADDY of the rhyming group "HIDADDY. The event will be a casual and enjoyable shopping experience.

A one-day market event where you can enjoy the deepest parts of Osaka , I envy those who live nearby....


Flea Time

Dates: August 11 (Sun.)
Location: Minatomachi River Place
Address: SOUTH BRIDGE 3F, 1-10-2 Minamihorie, Nishi-ku, Osaka City
Time: 10:00-17:00 (tentative)
*Free admission

【 Exhibitor List]
SKIT, DAILY DOSE quality stuff, SLON STORE minami Horie, GRIZZLY AMEMURA, ALL GOOD STORE, PIZZA OF DEATH HOME, Woodstics, Hitomiya, REBEL CARNIVAL, MIXED BAG , Winiche&co., C-BOYZ, afterbase, AND, PUDDLE, VANCY, TURTLE MAN'S CLUB, JUNGLE GYM, IMA:ZINE, EPIC Vintage & Oldbmx, Epoch mormal, EACH MAKES, Candyrim, Tetrapots, KILOS, Who are you?
【 Food & Beverage Booth]
Flea Time drink booth, TACOS del "infinito", CULTURE "PIZZA GRILLED CHEESE SANDWICH"