Under the concept of "creating the next vintage for a new era," the company offers real clothes that thoroughly pursue every detail, including materials, sewing, and processing.<アナクロノーム(ANACHRONORM)>We have received the 2017 SS look from
<アナクロノーム>The "anonymous clothing" intended by the "Circus" is expressed in a "circus" where various genders and races are mixed and active. The unique models and situations in the visuals are even more eye-catching. Here, HOUYHNHNM's introduces six looks that caught our attention.
Photographs : Yuichi Akagi
Styling : Masataka Hattori
Hair : HORI
Make : Michiko Funabiki
The relationship between people (owners) and things (clothes) creates new value. From the clown's look, we can feel the universality and generosity of "Anachronome," which accepts any person. The fact that the look never looks like a parody, even though it is incorporated into the world of a comedy, is probably because Anachronome pursues "realism" in its clothes. The natural appearance of the female clown in tattered overalls says it all.
Delivery of the 2017SS will start in February. If you are interested, please visit "ANACHRONORM Context Gallery".
Text_Yosuke Ishii
ANACHRONORM Context Gallery
Address: AK-1 B1F, 1-15-1 Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-5784-2669