A project for fashion lovers, by fashion lovers, for fashion lovers, "WEAREALLANIMALS".
We are very proud of their stance of proposing what they think is purely cool and interesting, without being beholden to trends.
The fourth "We Are All Animals" pop-up event will be a special event featuring the sneaker brand PG and the Yoyogi Park sneaker store ".PLAYGROUNDWith the cooperation of Mr. Kusaga, the owner and designer of "Nike", an event will be held at the same time to exhibit and sell rare and valuable sneakers from the past, mainly from "Nike".
This is a cutting edge event that will resonate with everyone, whether you like clothes, culture, art, or sneakers.
Dates: Oct 15, 2021 ( Fri ) - Oct 23, 2021 ( Sat )
Venue: 1F, 2-20-11 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Open: 12:00-19:00 *Open until 21:00 on the first day
Contact: info@waaa-weareallanimals.com
*To prevent new coronavirus infection, staff will wear masks, disinfect their hands, and regularly ventilate the premises. We ask that customers also wear masks and disinfect their hands and fingers when entering the restaurant.
*Please refrain from visiting the restaurant if you are not feeling well or have a fever. Also, please understand that we may refuse entry to customers who are not wearing masks.