Translated By DeepL

JJJ finally released its third album "MAKTUB" at the end of May after a six-year absence, and held live recordings in its hometown and Osaka!

He debuted in 2013 as Fla$hBackS and as a solo artist in 2014 with his first album, "Yacht Club", and in 2017, his second album, "HIKARIThe album was released in 2006. Since then, he has also attracted fans with his numerous guest appearances and productions, and just the other day he releasedJUMADIBAThe remix of "Asian," a song included in "nobori - uphill" of the "Nobori" album, was released as a guerrilla surprise and became a big topic of conversation.

Such constant attentionJJJwill finally release its third album "MAKTUB" at the end of May after an interval of almost 6 years!

To celebrate the release of the album, JJJ's hometown "CLUB CITTA'" in Kawasaki and "BIGCAT" in Osaka have announced that they will hold a live recording session. Backing DJs will beAru-2andDJ SCRATCH NICEand KID FRESINO are scheduled to perform as DJs.

The production of the album is currently in its final stages, and we can hardly wait to see what kind of work it will be. Official advance tickets for the live recording will be available from tomorrow, April 29 (Sat.) at 10:00 a.m., so check out the live tickets first and enjoy the album until its release next month.



Home Page

JJJ "MAKTUB" Release Live
Kanagawa Performance
Date : June 9, 2023 ( Friday )
Doors open : 18:30 / Concert begins : 19:30
Venue : Kawasaki CLUB CITTA'
Advance : 4,500 yen / At the door : 5,000 yen (, D fee not included )

INFO : 044-246-8888 (CLUB CITTA')

■Osaka Performance
Date : July 4, 2023 ( Tue )
Doors open : 18:30 / Concert begins : 19:30
Venue : Osaka Shinsaibashi BIGCAT
Advance : 4,500 yen / At the door : 5,000 yen (, D fee not included )

INFO : 06-6258-5008 (BIGCAT)

[Official Priority]
Acceptance Method : Lottery
Acceptance Period : April 29, 2023 ( Sat ) 10:00 - May 7, 2023 ( Sun ) 23:59
Reception URL :
Up to 4 tickets per person can be applied for.
*Preschool children are admitted, but tickets are required for elementary school students and older.

[General sales]
May 13, 2023 ( Sat ) 10:00am
