Translated By DeepL

We are pleased to announce a remix of the new single feat. JJJ, which was released just last month.

It was released for distribution on September 7.ISSUGIThe new single "Knight" by .KID FRESINOand 16flip co-produced one track, which is a Jazzy mood with a BPM of 139 , a worldview that shows a new Authenticity.

To such "Knight".JJJThe "TheKnight Remix feat.was released yesterday.

'TheKnight Remix feat.'-' (used in place of '-')
Written by ISSUGI , JJJ
Prod by KID FRESINO, 16FLIP Mixed by JJJ
Mated by Shiota Hiroshi Recorded at J.Studio (TYO)

Following in the footsteps of "366247 Remix" in which JJJ participated in the album title track of ISSUGI's 9th album "366247" released last year, you will want to listen to the lyrical repetition of the two artists.

DOGEAR RECORDS mannered "Knight Remix feat. JJJ" at 2 minutes and 35 seconds is a song that you should definitely hear live as well as on the soundtrack.



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