Ten years after their last collaboration, Medicom Toy's latest project, a set of "BE@RBRICK" and "Manhattan Portage" figures, is now available. The new set will be released in an anniversary edition to commemorate Manhattan Portage's 40th anniversary.
Bearbrick, a 7 cm bear-shaped figure, was created in 2001, the 100th anniversary of the birth of the teddy bear, and quickly became a representative of the Medicom Toy company.
In collaboration with Manhattan Portage, which celebrated its 40th anniversary this year, the head is decorated with a US flag pattern and the body with a special 40th anniversary logo to pay homage to the United States, creating a design reminiscent of good old-fashioned American vintage toys.
The lineup that comes with this limited edition figure includes some of Manhattan Portage's most popular models, all in black. The special anniversary label features the well-known Skyline logo with a subtle "LOVE" added.
The first "Set Project of BE@RBRICK Collection" in 10 years is scheduled for release in early December. Enjoy the "BE@RBRICK", which is popular not only as an objet d'art but also as a collector's item, along with a bag that is easy to use.
Text_Ryoji Horiuchi