One of the most popular national manga is "ONE PIECE," which has been serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump since 1997 and has sold more than 510 million copies worldwide (as of 2022). Today, the story of Luffy's quest to become the Pirate King is popular in 60 countries and regions.
LACOSTE" is teaming up with "ONE PIECE.
In addition to the T-shirts, polo shirts, hoodies, socks, and caps are also available. The T-shirts, polo shirts, hoodies, socks, and caps all feature the Lacoste logo and a scene from the door illustration. Let's take a look at the full lineup.
The fan-favorite items will be available at select Lacoste stores and online starting August 2 (Fri.) at 10 a.m. Please note that the hoodies will not be available at the online store until Tuesday, August 6. Additionally, socks will be available as soon as they arrive.
In addition, a limited number of bandanas will be given away to those who purchase this work for 22,000 yen or more including tax. If you want to get your hands on one, make sure you are prepared for the day of release.