In the blink of an eye, 10 days have passed in December, and the year-end mode is accelerating,BARBER SAKOTAwill hold its year-end party this weekend.
The location will be assisted by "Barber Sakota" in July 2024,asuka andoThe 12-inch release party for theSasazuka BowlThe following is a list of the most common problems with the
NONCHELEEELive performance of theOG Militant Binterpoint (interword separation)DJ Trysterointerpoint (interword separation)koji tanigawainterpoint (interword separation)zenzenheikiDJ by Sakota, andJust Right.The three beats of hot dogs by and of course, bowling can also be enjoyed.
It is from 6:00 p.m. to midnight on Saturday, December 14, so you can start playing a little early or go play like a ladder of year-end parties.