Translated By DeepL

Everything is ALRIGHT! A somewhat cheery hoodie, specially ordered by Confecto for Cotton Pan.

The beginning of a new year is a time when one feels strangely positive. You may want to start something new, or you may want to master something you have been doing for a while.

We have received a special-order item that will push those who spend their days looking forward to the future.

They joined hands with ,.COTTON PAN” and “CONFECTThe wisdom of the two has been combined to create a very special hoodie. The wisdom of both parties has been crossed to create a special hoodie.

This is the second time for us to do a special order, the first being in 2023. Cottonpants" put graphics on the body ordered by "Confect," which is a domestic manufacturing company with a sewing business as its backbone.

The motif is the song "All is ALRIGHT" sung by a certain Japanese rock band in the 80s. This was stencil-dyed. Moreover, the color is placed on the shadow side, referring to the italicized expression on the record jacket of "All is ALRIGHT". It is a twist that is typical of "Cotton Pants.

And while it is a little embarrassing to say it in seemingly straightforward terms, it is nice and casual if it is incorporated into the clothing.

This cool piece, with its faded body and stencil-dyed rough texture, will be available at all "Confecte" stores and online from January 10 (Fri.).



Item name: All is ALRIGHT Hoodie
Price: ¥19,800
Color: C.Grey
Release date: January 10, 2025 (Friday)
Sold at: Confecto stores, Confecto online store

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COTTON PAN official website
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