Translated By DeepL

Air Max 97 , by Skepta, a leading grime sound company.

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Grime" is rap music that originated in England. As a signature of its leading artist, Skepta (Skepta), <NIKE〉 Air Max 97 Sk is now available. Below are Grime's own thoughts on the Air Max.


'I seem to know my Air Maxes inside out because I've been wearing them since I was seven years old. I wore them when I was running down the street, when I went out to clubs in London, and when I played soccer in the streets. I remember those days in my life when I was full of dreams. I want to be fashionable and cool. I want to wear clothes in a cool way. Everyone wears clothes with such awareness.


The Airmax is something worth displaying in a museum. It is no different than a work of art. To me, it is more than just a shoe. When you look at this Air Max 97Sk, I want you to feel the same feelings I felt when I was a kid. And the finish is such that it makes that happen. It's the perfect finish."

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Nike Air Max 97 Sk starts Saturday, September 2.NIKE.COMand some NIKE retailers.

This is a uniquely elaborate pair, so make sure you are well prepared for the battle.

Text_Taiyo Nagashima

NIKE Customer Service
Phone: 0120-6453-77