FEATURE|Kyle Ng from Brain Dead interview


Kyle Ng from Brain Dead interview

最旬ブランド、ブレインデッドのブレイン、 カイル・インのクリエイティブの根幹に迫る。

LAをベースにするKyle Ng(以下:カイル)と、オーストラリアを拠点に活躍するEd Davis(以下:エド)が手がけるブランド〈ブレインデッド(Brain Dead)。「ドーバーストリートマーケット(Dover Street Market)」や〈ヴァンズ(VANS)〉といったビッグネームと共作する一方で、音楽、アート、本といった分野への興味も決して絶やさない彼ら。2つの拠点、遊び心を忘れないクールなデザインなど、どこか謎めいている彼らの形態について、日本での展示会のために来日していたカイルに話を訊いた。
‘Brain Dead’ was founded partners Kyle Ng who is based in L.A and Ed Davis who works and lives in Melbourne. Despite their successes including collaborations with significant brands such as Dover Street Market and VANS, the duo have never lost their appreciation and love for music, art and books. We talked with Kyle to find out more about the interesting brand, how they make being in different countries work and the inspiration behind the playful graphics the brand is known for.

  • Photo_Shinji Serizawa
  • Interview&Text_Mayumi Yamase
  • Edit_Ryo Komuta

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


Brain Deadデザイナー:Kyle Ng(カイル イン)

ーFirstly, Please tell us about the brand, Braindead please?

Kyle:Brain Dead started when my partner, Ed Davis, and I met online. At the time I had a clothing line and he was a graphic designer. We decided to start a brand inspired by the stuff that we loved, our mutual appreciation and same tastes. So we started out making a lot of t-shirts at first and putting on art shows. It all started from the art side of what we wanted to do. Art presentation, music, culture, all those things that we love.

ーWas there a specific genre of music?

Kyle:All types of music. We released a lot of electronic music, a lot of punk music, rock, noise. We love everything and from everywhere. A lot of the artists that we work with are also musicians so it is always interesting to see them do both.


エドとはインターネットを介して出会ったんですか? インスタグラムですか?
ーDid you say you met Ed via the internet? How did is happen? Via Instagram?

カイルエドは、ぼくもすごく好きだった〈ラット ブレイン(Rat Brain)〉というプロジェクトをやっていて、いろんなブートTシャツを作っていたんだ。当時ぼくはメンズ服を作っていたんだけど、ずっとアートやデザインには興味があったんだ。エドもぼくのやっていたブランドを気に入ってくれて、ぼくももちろん彼のやっていることが好きだったから、ある日「じゃあ一緒にやろうか」って。とても自然な成り行きだったし、楽しかったし、とても早いペースで進んでいったんだ。〈モホーク ジェネラル ストア(Mohawk General Store)〉でブランケットと一緒にアート展示をして、そのあとすぐに「ネペンテス(Nepenthes)」がコンタクトを取ってきて、そこでまた展示を行った。そしたら、彼らと一緒にぼくがコレクションしてるアフリカンペイントの展示をキュレーションしたりすることになったんだよ。すべてのアイデアは、ぼくらが好きなものや考えを話すことで生まれてくるんだ。エドのグラフィックとスタイリングの間にある、ぼくらの繋がりや趣味の合ったテイストが〈ブレインデッド〉を作っているんだと思うよ。ぼくらはたくさんのコラボレーションや展示をしてきているけど、それは服と同じくらい大切なんだ。
Kyle:Kyle:Ed had this project called ‘Rat Brain’ where he had made all these bootleg t-shirts that I was really interested in. Back then I was making more menswear stuff but have always been into art and design. Ed really liked my brand and I really like what he was doing so one day we said “ok let’s do it together”. So the start was really organic, interesting, super-fast-paced thing. We did an art show with blankets at Mohawk General Store and then Nepenthes hit us up to do an exhibition there and I ended up curating an art show with them based on African paintings I had been collecting. The whole idea was how do we create something that spoke about our love for things and ideas. Our connection and mutual taste between his graphics and the styling is what Braid Dead is. We do a lot of collaborations and put on shows are just as important as the clothing itself.


ーWhen was the brand start?

Kyle:3 years ago.

ーSo it has been growing really fast.

カイルちょっとおかしいくらいにね、最高だよ。ぼくらもどれだけ大きくなるかなんてわからずにやっている。「これを作ろう」と言うかわりに、前にやっていたブランドを通して知ったことや、関係性を使っていこうと決めていたんだ。その時は、あんまりグラフィックのTシャツブランドがなくて、たくさんの人が、それを新しくて新鮮なものだと思ってくれた。〈モホーク ジェネラル ストア〉に話しをしたときも、「ぼくらは、アートにフォーカスしたグラフィックTシャツのブランドなんだけど、扱ってみない?」って話をしたんだ。彼らもすごく興味を持ってくれたよ。
Kyle:It’s pretty crazy. It’s awesome. For us, we never knew how big it was going to become. Instead we just said “hey let’s just do it”. We decided to go through the channels I knew from the brand I had before and use those relationships. Many of them thought is was new and fresh and at that time there were not many graphic t-shirt brands. When approached the likes of Mohawk General Store we said “hey were a graphic t-shirt brand focused on art. Are you down to carry it?” That was really interesting for them.


ーCould you tell us a little about the latest collection.

カイルもちろん。今回はエドが読んでいたSFの本が大きなパートになっているんだ。特に『Area X』っていう本。彼がずっとその話をしてくるから、最終的にはぼくもその本にハマってしまったんだ。ぼくは全然普段から本を読むタイプではないんだけど、エドの出したアイデアがあまりにも興味深かったから、彼の話をベースに計画して、デザインをしたんだ。ぼくは彼とのコミニケーションや繋がりが大好きなんだ。いつも新しいものをお互いに紹介しあってる。『パリ、テキサス』というぼくらが2人共好きな映画があって、それに出演している俳優、ハリー・ディーン・スタントンにスーツを作ろうというアイデアはお互いとっても気に入ったね。こういったアイデアもそうだけど、たまにアイデアを出したら全然繋がらないところに辿り着いちゃう。でもぼくらはそれでいいと思っていて、だからこそおかしなものが出来上がるんだと思うんだ。
Kyle:Sure. A big part of it were these science fiction books Ed was reading. One in particular is called ‘Area X’. He kept talking about it and I ended up getting really into the aspect of the book. I never actually read the book but Ed’s idea really interested me so I planned and designed a collection around what he was explaining to me. I love the communication and connection we have and we always introduce new things to each other. There is this movie called ‘Paris, Texas’ that we both like and we like the idea of making suits for the actor Harry Dean Stanton. Often there is an idea that leads to something completely unconnected and we just go with it and that is why we create it. It’s really weird.


ーSo for the brand, Ed focuses on the graphic design side of things and you focus on the brand?

Kyle:We both come up with ideas equally. I come from a design and production background so take care of that. We oversee the story telling of the brand and work on the art creation together. Most things we bounce of each other As Ed is in Australia I might go and shoot a lookbook alone whilst he looks after something else. There is a lot of trust. It is a little crazy but the trust thing is really important. We are always saying “Right, I am just gonna do it”. I might have an idea for some graphics and then Ed know what I am talking about and then does them for me. I will then do the colours and we release it. Ed often does not see that clothes until they are released, which is a little weird.

ーIt is really interesting how you make it work. Do you look after the production also?

Kyle: Yeah I do. I oversee it.I am looking after all of the development on that. The manufacturers we work with are from Canada and the relationship I have with them is so long. It is really interesting to see. They have stuck with me since I first started making clothing and we now work together on Brain Dead now.


ーHow is it being based in 2 different places?

Kyle:it is great and difficult at the same time but it definitely makes things interesting. If we were in the same room all the time I am sure we would end up killing each other. It the separation that makes it work.

ーSo I heard you were picked up by Dover Street Market.

Kyle:Yes. They are a really good partner. We do a lot of exhibitions with them. We will do one in London son with the artist Will Sweeney. He is going to do some exclusive stuff for us. We have consistently been doing stuff with Dover since we started working with them such as art shows, pop-ups, exclusives. They are really great.


ーHow did it come about?

Kyle:They hit us up, which was cool. They were doing some t-shirt stuff but We share a like-minded perspective with them in terms of how we look culture and art and that really connects us.

ーDo you work with distributors now?

Kyle:They are great friends. They do Suicoke and we love their shoes. We did the collaboration with them. We loved there whole vibe and aesthetic so decided to work with them on distribution and have these like-minded people take over from us. They are like-minded people who we trust and help us to understand the Japanese market.

ーHow are you finding Tokyo?

Kyle:I have been here a few times. A bunch of times actually. I love it here. Tokyo is my favourite place in the whole world.

ーHow is the exhibition looking?

Kyle:It’s cool. I have showed here before in different places but this is the first time we have shown Brain Dead. We liked the fast-pace element to the brand and ideas but we also want to have the core and build around those ideas.

ーWhy do you work in fashion instead of books or prints for example?

Kyle:We do books. We do all those things. Music too. But there is something the clothing that really interests us. Clothing is like merchandise for lifestyle. A lot of it has to do with internet culture and nowadays people want to show what they are about. For me, many brands were doing it too obvious. We try to put our references in a more subtle way. You can feel the connection to what we are trying to. The connection between us and the vibe and energy we are trying to create. For example, band tees. We have made band tees for bands we have worked with but in a way where someone will buy the t-shirt and maybe these kids do not even know the music and then will get into the band.

ーWhat were you doing before Brain Dead?

カイル〈Axis Technology〉と〈Farm Tactics〉っていうブランドをやっていた。一つはもっとベーシックで、もう一つはジャケットとアウターにフォーカスしたものだったよ。
Kyle:I had a two brands called ‘ Axis Technology’ and ‘Farm Tactics’. One was more basics and one was more jackets and outerwear.


ーI saw one article with a photo of you with so many paintings behind you. Is that your studio? Are those your paintings?

Kyle:Those are probably African paintings. I don’t paint. I used to sculpt a lot. I was working on a lot of stuff with Africans. I would explain what was happening in current events and they would paint it for me. Of course they had no idea what I was talking about so the paintings would turn out completely crazy looking. That is very much like the connection between Ed and I. I like the idea how Axis Technology enables us to communicate and create a dialogue but at the same time it is not always the same idea. I also like never really having full control of the idea. Ed will come up with some graphics for an idea I had for example. It is the same for him. He sometimes will not know the jacket I am working on. I will say “Oh here’s the jacket we are making” and he will say “Oh cool”. It is the excitement that is interesting. Often you create something yourself that you are not really excited about and you are already over it. Because we are constantly introducing new things to each other and working on things both together and alone gives us that natural high that is awesome.

ーHow would you describe Ed?

Kyle:He is my best friend but it is funny because I don’t see him so much. It is a weird relationship. We very rarely say “no” to each other. We don’t really run Brain Dead like a business but that is why there are authentic elements to it because fact that we are like a family making things. It is more like a gesture. You do it and at the end you know what it is. It’s like improv. It’s cool.


ーSo what’s next for Brain Dead?

Kyle:For Brain Dead we will look to push new ideas. Ed and I will continue to push each other. A spring collection will come out and we are already over it and into the next one.

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