


FEATURE|Kyle NG from Braindead interview


Out-standing boutique called WISM in cat street and popular brand < braindead >. this collaboration happened between those two which both obtain unique individuality. As we expected, the collection seems like came out unexpected surprise. We let the main people who director of WISM, Mr. Horike and Kyle from Founder of braindead talk about this special collaboration.

ブレインデッドとウィズムがみせる「No more dreams」とは。

ーHow did the relationship between you and WISM started?

Kyle:I think it was a Tek, a good friend of mine who worked with us on in the very beginning. When we were here in Tokyo he introduced us to WISM. They started buying our product very early on especially our brain records stuff. They exhibited our music, boom boxes and did this whole installation. It was cool because to see such amazement presentation of the music itself and the bands. I loved that all the musicians had this amazing display in Japan. WISM really understood what we were doing and from there we worked on special stuff together. We always want to support the people who supported us.

ーWhat was the braindead-record pop-up like?

Horike:Kyle made this mixed tape gather all kind of psychedelic music. I build an idea based on the tape and I put lots of boom box in our store. Then when Kyle saw the display he just loves it. Till then we were just more like business partners but since the display feel like we became much closer to each other.

ーWhen was it?


カイルちょうど2年前くらいのことだよね? 時間が経つのは早いね。
Kyle:Over 2 years now I think. It’s so fast it’s crazy.

ーWhat was your impression of WISM?

カイルすごいよかったよ。お店のスタッフもみんなナイスだし、店内のエナジーもとっても気持ちがよくて、それがとっても印象的だった。自分たちが作る空間にお客さんがエキサイトするということはとっても重要だからね。今の時代、インターネットでなんでも買える世の中だから、実店舗を持つ特別な理由っていうものが必要になってくると思うんだ。もちろんオンラインでも購入できるけど、お店に行って買いたいと思う理由があると思うんだ。そういった中でも「ウィズム」は良い例だと思うよ。日本で接客対応とかはただでさえ重要だと思うしね。ウェブショップが本当にあるのかな?(笑)なんて思う時もあるくらい、見つけるのが難しかったりする。日本はどの国よりもフィジカルな体験が最初に来ているし、とっても良いと思う。今回の「No More Dream」のコレクションで彼らはカラオケをテーマにしたインスタレーションを作ってくれたんだ。最高にかっこいいし、彼がぼくのことを自分なりの解釈で表現してくれているのが嬉しいんだ。もちろん今回も、彼には「カラオケをやって」なんて言っていなかったから、すごくナイスなサプライズになったよ。
Kyle:It’s awesome. The team are so nice and the energy in-store is so good there, which is super important. Getting people excited about what you are trying to create is important. Retail storytelling is different nowadays. In a time when everyone can get everything through the internet, what makes something special to have a physical location. Of course, you can buy things online but there are reasons to go to shops. I think WISM is a great example of a good retail experience. The Japanese mentality for physical retail in general is so important. It almost seems like there are no web shops or those web shops you do see are super difficult to navigate. The physical experience comes first and is the best here when compared to everywhere else in the world. For ‘No more dreams’ they have done thing whole karaoke thing. It’s crazy how good it is. I love how it’s a translation of what he thinks it is. Again, I did not tell him to do it. It was a nice surprise.

ーDid you come up the idea for all this crazy instauration?


Horike:Yes, I do. For me, is art unit and they seem really into music. So, I wonder what’s music in Japan? The answer will be J-POP for me, and then develop the idea from it, eventually it’s comes to Karaoke where everyone sing J-POP. J-POP is the only thing I can imagine lol so, I did it that way and it’s more like combine own perspective of music with and mine. Of course, I could make something more into his music taste but that can be done by any other stores. So that’s way I want to it to be close to more my side, which I believe that is our strength.

ーCould you explain the collection you did with WISM?

カイル「No more dreams」は意識と夢の間にいるような感覚をアイデアのベースにしているんだ。サイケだったり、宗教の象徴的なシーバや目なんかがたくさん出てくるんだけど、そんなバイブを盛り込みたかったんだ。ドラッグの誘発というよりは睡魔の誘発っていうのかな。悪夢と夢の間みたいなものだよ。
Kyle:‘No more dreams’ is the idea of being in between areas of dreams and the conscious. There is a lot of psychedelic, religious symbol with the Sheba and The Eye. We wanted to mix that vibe into it. Not drug-induced but more like dream-induced. Between a nightmare and a dream.

ーWhat’s an impression of the collection from the shop?


堀家アイテム自体のグラフィックは、本当に申し分ないほどかっこいいものをあげてきてくれました。そのうえで、どうしても強いワードが欲しかったんです。それでカイルに会うために7月にLAに行った時に、今回のコレクションの名前を決めようということになったんです。そのとき、カイルが不意に「No more dreams」って言った時に、すごくしっくりきて。そこから、いろんなものが広がっていったんです。だから、その言葉がなかったらここまで今回のコレクションも広がっていなかったと思いますね。
Horike:Graphics for each items are speechlessly awesome. In addition, I wanted to have some words to complete the collection, so I went to LA to decide last July. And Kyle just randomly says words “No more dreams” and it’s just hits me. From the moment, a lot of thing expands with the words. So, I don’t think without the title this collection couldn’t come this far.


「No more dreams」はどうやって思いついたんですか?
ーHow did you come up with ‘no more dreams’?

Kyle:Man I don’t even know. It just came to my head. Again, it is that idea of just saying something and it feels right. When you see a graphic or you make something even if you don’t think you know what you are making, it will come out, because deep down subconsciously you want to make that. Whatever you are subconsciously making has a story to it. Like poetry is like that not that we are making poetry! But we develop these ideas out of our heads.


ーWhat do you think is where you think Braindead is more special than other brands?

Horike:firstly, they are not aiming to sell-out. Especially for graphic, it’s not like “oh this could be trendy” or “can be sell well”, so that’s makes quite different from any other brand I think. And, Kyle’s personality. Happy, positive and good vibe. Those his personality can be seen in the cloth. So his personality and the non sell-out graphic linked up really well and it’s fit well in the morment. They have been done so much collaborations with a lot of brand and we just didn’t want to be just one of them. So that’s why we made 9 items as collection which I wanted to do. There is a printed t-shirt, jacket and cap so on,,,just want to made it happed. I am quite glad to make it happen because this project has been discussed since begin of this year.


カイル彼は自分のやることと、やり方に自信を持っているんだ。それは素晴らしいことで、数字なんかよりももっと大きなことと思うんだ。もしそれが好きだったら、彼はそれをやる。それを知っているし、そういった人たちとぼくらも一緒に働きたいんだ。ぼくらは「ビームス」や「ユナイテッドアローズ」とも一緒にプロジェクトをやっているんだけど、どれも全部違うんだ。ぼくらはそれぞれのお店で、ユニークなものを作りたいと思っているんだ。ぼくにとっては、彼らはみんなぼくの友人なんだけど、みんなそれぞれのストーリーがあるっていう感じかな。「ウィズム」だったら? 「ビームス」だったら? 「ユナイテッドアローズ」だったら? みんなそれぞれ違うからね。ぼくらが違うアーティストや、DJと一緒に何かを制作する時の感覚と似ているのかな。グラフィックもデザインも毎回違ったものが出来上がるし、それが最高に楽しいんだ。
Kyle:He has such confidence in what he does and the way he does things. That is great because it’s bigger than the numbers. If he likes he is going to do it. He just knows and those are the kind of people we want to be working with. We work with other shop and they are all different. We want to create unique experiences for all stores. For me, they are all friends but it is telling like telling different stories. What’s WISM? What’s Beams? What’s United Arrows? They are different people. It’s similar when we work with different artists or do something with a DJ or producing artwork with this guy – the graphics are totally different every time and so are the designs and that is really awesome.

ーI just finished collaboration, do you have any plans to do something in the future?

堀家絶対やります(笑)! また9型くらいで絶対に。なんなら、こういったコレクションが定期的なものになっていったらいいなと思ってます。〈ブレインデッド〉とカイルが、とても好きなので、そういった形でやれていけるのは、ぼくらにとっても嬉しいことなんです。
Horike:Yeah, defintaly! Probably 9 items again for sure. even I thinki it would be great if this happened regulary. I love Kyle and so it makes us happy when we are able to do this kind of collaboration.


カイル最高! もちろんだよ。コラボとかで1枚だけのTシャツを作ると、売り上げのために作った感じがしちゃう時があるけど、今回のような大きなコレクションをやれたのは嬉しいよ。それに実際コレクションとして並んだところを見るとすごいユニークなものになっていると思う。なんか、1曲ずつアーティストを変えてレコーディングしたアルバムみたいなんだ。それが、ぼくたちなんだけどね。ただのシングルじゃなくてコンプリートアルバム。
Kyle:Awesome. Of course. It’s cool seeing a large collection like that too because often you see one collaboration t-shirt and it feels like it has been made only to sell out and make money. But when you see a collection it is so unique. That’s what is cool. It is like making a record with different artists on each track. That’s what we like. Complete albums, not just singles.

Kyle:Kyle loves music and there are so many people approach from that side, however as I only love J-POP I just couldn’t do that from the side. So I just tried heard to catch his heart in different way and realistic for me.

カイルぼくはDJもよくするし、レコードで聞くのが特に好きなんだ。ついこの間はNTS radioで2時間くらいDJしたよ。パンクからエレクトロ、ダブからレゲエ、エクスペリメンタルからポップまで本当にぜんぶ好きなんだ。もし良いものだったら、それは良いものなんだ。〈ブレインデッド〉の面白いところは、ぼくらの好きなものしかリリースしていないのに全部違う音楽なんだ。
Kyle:I DJ a lot and I have an all-vinyl, 2-hour show on NTS radio. Punk to electronic to dub to reggae to experimental to pop. I love everything. If it’s good it’s good. The brand is interesting for us because we only release what we like and sounds different.

Kyle:Nice! Any J-pop!?

カイルExileって知ってる? 彼らはいつも〈ブレインデッド〉を着てくれているんだ。ぼくはあんまり知らないんだけどね(笑)。あと、ぼくのLAの友人が日本のアーティストの「水曜日のカンパネラ」と仲が良いみたいで、いつもLAに居ると連れて来てくれるんだ、ほとんどぼくは誰かわからないんだけどね(笑)。
Kyle:Do you know Exile? They are always wearing but I don’t know who they are. My friend Garrett from LA is friends with Japan artists like Wednesday Kaponela. They always come to LA. I meet them all but don’t know how any of them are!

ーBy the way,how old are you?

Kyle:31. Ed is 42. He’s a big baby!

ーHow often do you see Ed Face to Face?

Kyle:Twice a year. We are always on the phone non-stop!


堀家ところでカイルに聞くことじゃないかもしれないんだけど、今回の「No more dreams」コレクションにハエがすごくたくさん描かれていて。たぶん9型のうち、3、4個は入っていたんです。それはなんでだろうって?
Horike:By the Way not sure this question is for Kyle, but there are there are some many flies on every piece in this collection. Problably 3 or 4 out of 9 items, and just wondering, Why?

Kyle:That’s an Ed thing. Ed loves flies. I asked him about that recently! He just loves flies! Our new stuff is even more weirder. As we develop new ways, we also use crazy print techniques like rubberised, high density stuff. We love texture. My brand before was all about texture. It was tactile and touch. We want to touch aesthetics. We want to feel clothing and feel graphics. The difference between graphic design and t-shirt design is how do you make it physical and not just design. Life is physical. We are so digital now and you want to feel everything. It’s experience. As we get bigger we challenge ourselves and our new graphics are more hand-made and that is what we like.



WISM 渋谷店

WISM 堀江店

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