


ラグ & ボーンが考えるオーセンティシティという哲学。



ラグ & ボーンが考えるオーセンティシティという哲学。

オーセンティシティとは何か? 自分のための理想のジーンズ作りから始まった〈ラグ & ボーン〉が15周年を迎えた。創業者のひとりで現在もCEOとしてブランドを率いるマーカス・ウェインライトは、始まりから今に至る軌跡において、常にその問いを胸に歩き続けている。ブランドの哲学とジーンズ、そしてクリエイティブとビジネスの相関性について、ウェインライトが大いに語る。

What is genuine authenticity? rag & bone has recently celebrated its 15th anniversary, a brand which began by making a very personal ideal pair of jeans back in 2001.  Marcus Wainwright, co-founder and CEO, has been thriving, asking himself the same question ceaslessly whatever he does for the brand, and discusses the philosophy of the brand, jeans, and the equilibrium between business and creative.

  • Photo_Tohru Yuasa(Interview), Yuji Yamazaki(Still Life)
  • Text_Maya Nago
  • Edit_Ryo Muramatsu
  • Cooperation_Kaihara Co., Ltd

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


Be True, Be Authentic

ー既知の読者も多いと思いますが、まず〈ラグ & ボーン〉というブランドがご自身のためのジーンズを作るところから出発したということについて、詳しく教えていただけますか。

– It may be already well-known among our readers, but could you please tell us again the details of the story of how the brand rag & bone started with making your very personal pair of jeans?




Wainwright:Of course. I had no intention of starting a brand at first. In 2001, most of the brands in stores at that time were so-called heritage brands, and pretty much the only designer jeans brand out there was Rogan. For me personally, jeans were an incredibly important everyday item, so much so that they were pretty much the only thing I ever wore back then. That’s why I decided I wanted to make the perfect pair.

I’d never studied fashion before, and I had no technical knowledge whatsoever. I was so clueless I actually thought that all clothes were made in China. (LOL) So I researched various things, and then even though I wanted to make jeans at a factory in Hong Kong, things just didn’t go well. When I did some more research, and I found out that there’s a denim factory in Tompkinsville, Kentucky that’s been in business for 50 years. I reached out to them right away, and we started making my jeans together. The local women there have been sewing jeans for a long time, but for me, it was the first time I’d ever seen the process for making them.

“Cone Mills” is the most common type, but I realized that there are actually a lot of other different denim fabrics, and at the same time, I learned that there are almost no other fabrics that people in the US consider to be the real deal. At that time, I encountered Japan’s “Kaihara” denim. “This is it!” I still remember how excited I got. After that, it took an astonishing 18 months to make my ideal jeans. During that time, I visited the factory and saw all the processes for myself. It was a surprising experience for me, and I thought this is what authenticity is all about.


– How do you understand and define authenticity personally?

ウェインライト:例えば、「カイハラ」のデニムはオーセンティック。「コーンミルズ」が開発した、シャトル織機で織られた30インチ幅のセルヴィッジデニムも、もちろんオーセンティックだ。あるいは、僕がひとめで魅了されてしまった本物の藍を用いたインディゴ染めも。これらはすべて、つくられた目的に対して嘘のない誠実なデザインと言えると思うけれど、僕にとって “オーセンティック” の定義とは、完成された “モノ” 自体を指すのではなく、むしろ、本物を作りたいという情熱や哲学、そして、それを実現する過程、つまり、そうした思考プロセスそのものだと考えている。


Wainwright:For example, “Kaihara” denim is authentic. The shuttle looms producing selvage denim in 30 inch widths that developed “Cone Mills” are of course authentic as well. In addition, the deep indigo dye I fell in love with is too. I think all of these have an honesty and sincerity in the way they’re made for a purpose, but for me personally, the definition of authentic isn’t about the actual completed items themselves, but rather the philosophy and passion to make the real thing. I also think it’s about the process of achieving that, or rather the thought process that goes into it.

This thinking is the opposite of pursuing capitalist economic efficiency and rationality. With people focusing on producing large quantities at lower costs, jeans in the United States have lost their authenticity. And in an ironic twist, this capitalist efficiency approach to manufacturing has begun to seem backward. On the other hand, what’s really interesting to me is that Japanese companies like “Kaihara” and “Kuroki” are buying up the shuttle looms abandoned by US companies and carrying on that tradition. I really respect the deep understanding of traditional craftsmanship these Japanese companies have.

ーケンタッキーの工場での経験は、いまでも〈ラグ & ボーン〉のものづくりに影響を与えていますか。

– Is the experience you gain from making jeans with the factory in Kentuckey still crucial to yourself and the brand’s philosophy behind manufacturing?

ウェインライト:もちろん。古いファクトリーで、職人たちが人生をかけてジーンズを縫っている姿、ベストなファブリック、本物の藍染の美しさ…。あのときの経験から、僕は自分が作りたいものに誠実であり続けることの大切さを学んだし、難しさも教えてくれた。そして、クラフトマンシップやオーセンティシティの真意についても。僕たちのもの作りに対するすべての考え方は、この経験から形成されているし、デニムだけではなく、オーセンティックなものづくりという理想は、〈ラグ & ボーン〉のすべての活動の中心にある考え方なんだ。

Wainwright:Of course. In an old factory, watching the practiced hand of craftsmen who’ve spent their whole lives sewing jeans, the best fabrics, and beauty of genuine indigo dye… From my experiences then, I learned how important it is to always be sincere about the product you want to make, and also how difficult that is. It also taught me what craftsmanship and authenticity are really all about. Our thought process regarding all of our manufacturing arose from that experience, and that authentic ideal is at the heart of not just the jeans we make at rag & bone, but everything we do.

ーそれは、キャンペーン広告の制作にも当てはまりますか。〈ラグ & ボーン〉は、早くからソーシャルメディアを巧みに用いたキャンペーンを展開するなど、広告表現や手法に独自の哲学があるように思いますが、オーセンティックなアイデアと呼ぶには、あまりにプログレッシブなようにも見えますが。

– Including the campaigns? rag & bone was one of the earliest adoptors in the fashion industry who utilized the power of social media into a campaign with a keen originality in expression and approach, which I believe is rather progressive than authentic.



Wainwright: We always try to do something different from everyone else, and we never want to do anything that could deceive our customers. To me, that’s what it means to be authentic. In our first campaign, we chose Kate Moss to be our model, and hired Craig McDean to be our photographer. This was a by-the-book approach to a fashion advertisement. But the two of them told us they didn’t want to do our campaign in the same way as other companies.

With the streets of London as the setting, all the photos were taken with natural lighting, with no additional lights used. Of course, there were almost no post-process touch ups after the fact either. For the campaign after that, Glen Luchford took film photographs for us. Anyway, I wanted to make a pure image for the brand, without any deceptive maneuvering.


– Meaning that you believe that the process itself has to be authentic, same as how you perceive jeans-making.

ウェインライト:そう。僕たちがキャンペーンで訴えたいのは、〈ラグ & ボーン〉というブランドのイメージではなく、僕らのあらゆるものづくりに共通する、アプローチそのもの。アプローチのオーセンティシティが結果的に、他とは異なる魅力を引き出してくれると信じているし、それが〈ラグ & ボーン〉らしさに繋がっていく。

今シーズンは、僕たちが心から尊敬するリアルな人々をモデルに起用したけど、ルックを押し付けるのではなく、着用者である彼ら自身に服を選んでもらい、彼らが居心地いいと感じる場所をロケ地に選んでもらった。誰だって、ハーヴェイ・カイテルに、フェイクなことをやらせるわけにはいかないだろう(笑)? ブランドをプロモーションするために “虚構” を捏造するのは、僕らのやり方じゃない。結果として、そこにユニークな視点が感じられて、人々に何かを語りかけるものになっていれば嬉しいと思うよ。

Wainwright:That’s right. What I’m trying to express with our campaigns is not rag & bone’s brand image but rather the approach we take to all of our work here. I believe that the authenticity of our approach leads to a different appeal that you don’t find elsewhere, and that’s what makes rag & bone unique.

In the current season, I’m using people that I respect who are really genuine. We didn’t push a specific look, but instead let the models pick out their clothes themselves and choose a location for the shoot where they feel comfortable. I mean, no one can make a guy like Harvey Keitel do something fake, right? (LOL) Creating a framework of deception as a means for promoting the brand is something I’ll never do. As a result, I hope people will feel something unique in our products, and they can become a way expressing a message to people.

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