Translated By DeepL

Ayumu Hirano encounters a new world. Vol.3 Coffee and Clothes .
with UNIQLO , without board

A new world that Ayumu Hirano encounters.
Vol.3 Coffee and Clothes.

Ayumu Hirano won the gold medal in the men's snowboard halfpipe at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics. Hirano, who has devoted so much energy and time to his sport that it could be said he has devoted his entire life to the challenge, has begun to look outside of the sport as if he were taking a breather. Where does his curiosity lead him? Wearing clothing from "UNIQLO," HOUYHNHNM's and Mr. Hirano enter a new world of ramen, coffee, and vinyl records.

  • Direction&Styling_Akio Hasegawa
  • Photo_Seishi Shirakawa
  • Hair&Make_Kenshin
  • Text_Shinri Kobayashi
  • Edit_Shun Koda

. how is the ARC's unique coffee created?

Coffee has gone beyond the boundaries of the boom and has become an established part of our lifestyles. Beyond the cup of coffee, there is a vast and deep world of information about its origin, roasting, and brewing methods. And because it is an element of daily life, it may symbolize a person's style just as much as clothing does.

Hirano-san, who has just started drinking such coffee on a daily basis, and I headed to the cafe "ARC" next to Torigoe Shrine in Kuramae. ARC serves various types of coffee and baked goods in a space where standard jazz music is played through vintage speakers and amplifiers that sit inside the store.

(UNIQLO) Powder Soft Down Jacket / SIZE:L ¥12,900
A down jacket with a fill power of 750 that is both light and warm. The secret behind the soft texture with a sense of fullness that only down can provide is Toray's special "NANODESIGN®" technology, which can design fibers down to the nano-level. In addition, the jacket has a water-repellent finish that repels light rain, making it useful in a variety of situations.

Mr. Hirano ordered a standard black coffee. With a cup in hand, he naturally struck up a conversation with the owner.

. This taste is really good. I don't like coffee with strong acidity, but this coffee has both bitterness and strength, which I like," said Hirano. He was charmed by the store's original and unique flavor after just one sip. In fact, it is not a shallow roast, nor is it a classic, heavy coffee, so how is this unique flavor created?

. we have them roasted at 'Triva Coffee' in Ginza. We use reasonably priced Robusta beans, which are often used in canned coffee and coffee shops, rather than third-wave style beans. We have them roasted in a way that is not as acidic as a shallow roast, but rather gives a deep flavor that is easy to drink and refreshing.


UNIQLO Global Brand Ambassador Site



Address: 2-3-4 Torigoe, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-5829-4145
Hours: 10:00-23:00, Sat. and Sun. 8:30-23:00, open year-round
Instagram: @arc__coffee