“MERRELLThe shoes of the "M" brand are favored not only by people who enjoy outdoor activities but also by many people who wear them on the street because of their outstanding comfort. Many people are repeat buyers.
The hiking shoes, which will be available in mid-February 2019, are also a pair of shoes that will satisfy everyone. Both looks and specs are good.
The most distinctive feature of this work is the upper. Adopting a high-quality full-grain leather with excellent durability, the more you use it, the more the taste will come out. It will change over time, and you will become more and more attached to it. Of course, since waterproof and breathable materials are used, you can continue to wear them comfortably even on rainy days.
The sole is equipped with "Vibram" Mega Grip, which provides excellent grip even on wet, rocky terrain. In addition, the heel counter wraps around the heel for improved stability when landing and walking support. It can be said that this is an all-rounder pair that can be used in rain or shine, in low mountains or on tough mountain trips.
Especially with outdoor shoes, no matter how much I try to explain, you will never know how good they are until you try them on. So, by all means, try on a pair of Merrell's best shoes before the trekking season approaches.
Text_Keisuke Kimura
Marubeni Footwear