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Comes in an unlikely color scheme. Monotone sports sandals by Snow Peak and Teva.

HURRICANE XLT 2 ALP - Snow Peak ¥15,800+TAX

Every year, during this season, [Joon] and [Seo-yeon] are the most popular.TevaThe market is abuzz with collaborations between "MURATA GIRLS" and other brands. We have collaborated with countless brands until now. We have created numerous models in this way, and we are proud to say that we have been able to create a new model.snow peakThis work with the "M" brand is one of the most outstandingly stylish I have seen to date. In a good sense, it has a finish that does not give the impression of an outdoorsy color.

The base model is the "HURRICANE XLT 2 ALP," which has a strap inspired by the classic "ALP" model on the sole of the "HURRICANE," one of the toughest models in the Teva lineup. The corporate colors of "Snow Peak", white and black, are scattered on it, and the corporate message of "Snow Peak" is printed on the central strap. There is also a logo on the heel strap.

The functionality is serious outdoor specs, yet the look is solid to the core. A highly versatile pair that can be worn regardless of style.

It will be available at Teva and Snow Peak online stores, at limited-edition Snow Peak stores from Friday, May 24, and at Snow Peak's directly managed stores from Friday, May 31.

Text_Keisuke Kimura

Deckers Japan
Phone: 0120-710-844