Many of you may have had a major change in your outlook on life after that day, 3.11. At the same time, nearly nine years have passed since then, and many of us have eventually returned to the same view of life and death and daily life as before. For those of us who tend to forget so soon, the release of this new edition of this work will be of great significance.
by Takashi Homma.Symphony Children mushrooms from the forestA new edition of the book was published, and an exhibition commemorating the publication was held at Ebisu ".POSTThe event will be held at the
Fukushima #48 © Takashi Homma
In 2011, Takashi Homma presented "Children of the Forest: Mushrooms from the Forest," a series of photographs of mushrooms growing in the forests of Fukushima, an area hit by the Great East Japan Earthquake. Why mushrooms? Mushrooms have the physiological property of absorbing radioactive materials easily, and the government restricted the shipment of mushrooms growing in severely contaminated areas. This work was shown at the opening exhibition of "Blind Gallery" (, now closed ) in Yoyogi, Tokyo, and a photo book with the same title was published and became a hot topic.
Scandinavia #12 © Takashi Homma
This time, "Symphony: Children of that forest mushrooms from the forest" is a new edition of "Children of that forest mushrooms from the forest". We went into four forests and photographed mushrooms there: not only Fukushima, but also Chernobyl, Scandinavia, which was affected by the accident, and Stony Point, where the musician John Cage lived.
The exhibition features an installation and the display and sale of his works. In addition, a talk event by the artist with Kotaro Iizawa will be held at Rose Bakery Ginza on the 7th floor of "DOVER STREET MARKET GINZA" on February 6 (Thu). Please see below for details on how to participate.
Mushrooms are so photogenic that they have spawned numerous enthusiasts. However, behind their cute appearance lies a tragic fact. Perhaps we should think about what happened to the mushrooms once again after viewing this profound work of art.
Takashi Homma "Symphony: Children mushrooms from the forest
Dates: Jan 25, 2020 ( Sat ) - Feb 23, 2020 ( Sun )
Venue: POST
Address: 2-10-3 Ebisu-Minami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Hours: 12:00 - 20:00
Closed: Monday
talk event
Dates: February 6, 2020 ( Thu )
Guest: Kotaro Iizawa, (, photo critic, )
Address: DOVER STREET MARKET GINZA 7F Rose Bakery Ginza, GINZA KOMATSU West Building, 6-9-5 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Time: 18:30-20:00( Registration starts at 18:00)
Fee: Free of charge, reservation required
*If you wish to participatepost@post-books.jpwith your name, telephone number, and the number of participants.
Title: Symphony Children mushrooms from the forest
Author: Takashi Homma
Format: 296 pages / 328 x 258 mm
Softcover: First edition of 500 copies ¥7,200+TAX
Hardcover: limited edition of 300 numbered and signed ¥13,800+TAX
Special edition with prints: 4 types, limited to 10 copies each ¥38,000+TAX
Text: Japanese and English
Publication date: 2019
Publisher: Case Publishing