Translated By DeepL

nero releases its latest issue to mark its 10th anniversary. An event will also be held at ISETAN THE SPACE with the participation of 22 groups including Tomoo Gokita, Shintaro Sakamoto, and Shuntaro Tanikawa.

While information is now readily available on the Internet, books that are held as material are gradually being reevaluated. It may be the time it takes to immerse oneself in the world, the quality of the paper, its role as an archive, or the extraordinary satisfaction of owning a book. There must be various reasons for each of these.

NERO," celebrating its 10th anniversary, is a book you will want to keep on hand. The latest issue, the 14th, is now on sale.

nero vol.14 VOICE ¥6,050 each

The latest issue of "nero vol. 14 VOICE," for which Naomi Hirabayashi was in charge of the cover design, comes in two types of hard covers.

"VOICE 2020-2022 LOVE&LIGHT" focuses on the personal voices in the Corona Disaster from 2020 to the present. It includes painters, poets, photographers, and musicians, as well as artists of diverse generations and careers from Japan and abroad, using a variety of techniques including painting, photography, and poetry.

From Japan, Shuntaro Tanikawa, Tomoo Gokita, TIDE, Yasushi Machida, and others participated. From overseas, a total of 43 artists from the United States, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Thailand, France, Ukraine, Russia, and other countries are participating. Some of them created artworks for this issue and others created their first works of art.

Double A-sided 7" record featuring new songs written by Cornelius and Martin Daffy, a member of the legendary neoacoustic band Felt and current Primal Scream keyboard player.

Yurenai Kokoro 2022" reprinted figure by Wisut Ponnimit aka Tam-kun and Sebastian Schorhammer (with serial number and signature)

To celebrate this launch, an art gallery "VOICE- nero 10th anniversary" featuring works by participating artists will be held at ISETAN The Space in Isetan Shinjuku Store from June 17 ( Friday to June 30 Thursday.

A limited number of sets with special extras commemorating the 10th anniversary of the publication will also be available at this venue. If you are interested, please come early.


VOICE - nero 10th anniversary

Dates: June 17 ( Friday - 30 Thursday
Venue: ISETAN Shinjuku Main Bldg. 2F ISETAN THE SPACE
Address: 3-14-1 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Participating artists (in alphabetical order): Ameya Norimizu/Yusuke Mitsushima/ Tomoo Gokita/Shintaro Sakamoto/Moeka Shiotsuka (Sheep Literature)/Shuntaro Tanikawa/Yuichiro Noda/Yuki Maeda/Yasushi Machida/CHiNPAN/Courtney MC/Greg Kadel/Greg Kadel / harune.h / Kate Bellm / Mark Mothersbaugh / Sangho Noh / Note Kr itsad / Synchrodogs /TAXMAN a.k.a Ally Scott / TIDE / William Choy from Crack Cloud / Wisut Ponnimit (Tam-kun)

nero vol.14 VOICE

Participating Artists (in alphabetical order): Nobuki Akiyama (DYGL) / Keigo Oyamada / Norimizu Ameya / Natsuki Kato (Luby Sparks) / Yusuke Mitsushima / Tomoo Gokita / Shintaro Sakamoto / Moeka Shiotsuka (Sheep Literature) / Masayoshi Sukita / Keiichi Sokabe (Sunny Day Service) Shuntaro Tanikawa / Yuichiro Noda / Seiki Maeda / Yasushi Machida / Anton Reva / CHiNPAN / Courtney MC / Crystal Moselle / Derrick B. Harden / Daniel Lowden Daniyel Lowden / Derrick B. Harden / Gus Van Sant / Greg Kadel / harune.h / Henry Spychalski/ HMLTD/Joakim Möller/Kate Bellm/Mark Mothersbaugh/Sangho Noh/Mars89/Martin Duffy/Nick Knight/Martin Duffy Duffy/Nick Knight/Nikita Reva/Note Kritsad/Sebastian Schoellhammer/Simon Milner Milner/istropical/synchrodogs/TAXMAN a.k.aAlly Scott/TIDE/UMMMI./William Choy from Crack Cloud / Wisut Ponimit (Tam-kun)/Yenata/Yoshiroton (YOSHIROTTEN)


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