City Country City" is an anonymous brand that does not disclose its designer, but has been steadily increasing its presence. In this Series, we interview creators who have been close friends with the brand since its inception to find out what the brand is really like. We will be looking into the contents of this mysterious brand from all angles.
This time, Hideki Asakura of "hobo," which has released items in collaboration with "City Country City," joins us. How did this capsule collection with an unexpected combination of items come about? He will tell us the story behind the capsule collection as well as the appeal of the items.
A brand that reaches many people without being categorized.
What is your connection to "City Country City"?
Asakura:It's not that we are very old friends, but we are like drinking buddies with the brand's people (laughs). (laughs) But we have been in the same industry for a long time, so I knew he existed.
What is your impression of the brand?
Asakura:I have always thought that the brand has a strong influence from the 90s. I have the impression that it fits well with the current mood of the street. I think that's why it has gained support despite being an anonymous brand.
What do you think of the brand's approach to anonymity?
Asakura:In the 90s, there were many factory brands, and although there were no designers, they were making very good products. I feel that "CCC" is similar to that kind of thing. We are standing in front as designers, but for brands that do not have designers, I simply feel that they are doing interesting things.
Is it also because the designers' identities are absent that we can look at the items without preconceptions?
Asakura:That's part of it. I think that is why our products reach many people without being categorized. It also raises a simple question: "What is this brand? and that's why people are interested in it. That's why people are interested in it.
The prototype is the same, but with just one modification, a completely different approach can be taken.
How did you come up with this capsule collection?
Asakura:Someone from the brand came to the Hobo exhibition. He liked the items I ordered and used them.
The waist pouch is the prototype for the collaboration item, isn't it?
Asakura:Yes, I did. One day, he called me and asked me, "Can I personally embroider the waist pouch you ordered?" I saw the finished product, and I was so impressed with the City Country City style that I decided to have it embroidered. When I saw the finished product, I thought it fit the "City Country City" style.
When you used it in the visuals for your brand, the response was tremendous, even though it was not a product.
Asakura:That is how we came to collaborate this time. City Country City" has developed a world view that is the exact opposite of the direction we are heading, and I thought that was interesting. Even though the prototype model is the same, just one modification can create a completely different approach. I felt that this would be a plus for Hobo.
So you created a capsule collection based on that item, adding a small nylon case and a key ring.
Asakura:I have always thought that the image of a person that Country City has built up is one who doesn't carry much stuff. In my mind, the image of a person is almost always empty-handed. So I thought it would be good if it could hold the minimum amount of luggage, based on the concept of "wanting to move around empty-handed. I wanted to make a bag that could hold a wallet, keys, and cell phone in a compact size that would not interfere with clothing, and this resulted in three types of gear that can carry the essentials in a compact size.
Do you usually pay attention to what kind of bag you carry when you meet people?
Asakura:I do pay attention. Of course, I look at the person's style as a whole, not just the bag. That can become an idea for a design.
In addition to black, there are saxe blue and orange in the lineup.
Asakura:Inspired by a party called "The Loft" hosted by David Mancuso, a leading figure in the New York club scene. This was a request from "City Country City.
The leather parts are also accented, aren't they?
Asakura:I think most brands would use nylon to complete the look, but "Hobo" often uses leather. Leather is also used to reinforce the parts that bear a lot of stress, but I hope it will eventually lead to accents and decorations as well. This zipper pull is designed to hang down like a fringe, so that the impression of the item is not monotonous.
Hobo has collaborated with various brands in the past.
Asakura:I think it is important to have something that you actually use, that you like, and that you have a connection with people. It is difficult to create something out of nothing, even though it is obvious.
In the case of "Country City," it was also born out of the relationships with people. However, it doesn't matter who they are. I think good things are born when there is a connection and when I feel empathy for that connection. That's what I think.
Finally, what do you expect from City Country City in the future?
Asakura:I hope you will expand your brand even more. It is a good thing that we were able to create items together in this way, and I am supporting the brand from behind the scenes.
Hideki Asakura / hobo designer
Born in 1976. Worked in sales and planning at the select store Nepenthes. After leaving the company, he became a designer for "hobo" in 2005. He designs a variety of products each season, including bags, accessories, and footwear.
Address: 1-23-14 Aobadai, Meguro-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-6452-3072
Official Site