I believe that there is beauty in the accidental stories of time, nature, and people, which cannot be controlled, and that there is a margin that fills the heart. Only things of value transcend time and live on into the future with the feelings of their creators. By bringing relics of the past back to life in the present, we unearth the archeological treasures of the future.
These words are a message left by Taiga Takahashi of T.T.
He calls his activities "applied archaeology," and while finding beauty in antiques and vintage clothing, he has been involved in many aspects of his work, including making clothing, sculpture, and two-dimensional works.
The brand, which has evolved in line with Mr. Takahashi's intentions, is holding its first exhibition in Tokyo, "T.T I-A 02: Listening to the Voices of Relics, Garden of Applied Archaeology," until December 29 (Sun.).
T.T I-A," as the title suggests, is a platform for the disclosure of relics from the past collected by Mr. Takahashi. This time, "Sogetsu Kaikan" in Akasaka, known for Isamu Noguchi's stone garden "Heaven," was chosen as the venue.
Centered around "Heaven," the exhibition features antiques and approximately 300 valuable clothing materials collected by Mr. Takahashi, as well as clothing and sculptures inspired by these items.
To begin with, Isamu Noguchi was one of the artists who particularly influenced Mr. Takahashi. The fusion of "heaven" and "applied archaeology" is the highlight of this exhibition.
In conjunction with this event, the tea room "Shikarumi" at T.T., a comprehensive art space in Gion, Kyoto, will also make an appearance. Under the name "Takemado no Shikarumi" in collaboration with the Sogetsu School, a pairing course consisting of four dishes will be offered.
The dishes served in a corridor-style space made of bamboo are more than just Japanese sweets and Japanese tea. It is a fusion of Japanese and Western cuisine. Reservations are required, but many slots have already been filled, so if you are interested, please contact us.Special online pageCheck with the
the natural beauty of bamboo windows
This exhibition seems to be the culmination of the T.T. brand. Feel the brand's newly developed worldview here.
Photo_Kenshu Shintsubo
T.T I-A 02 Listening to the Voice of Artifacts Garden of Applied Archaeology
Dates: ~December 29 (Sun.)
Open: 11:00-19:00 (last admission 30 minutes before closing, until 15:00 on 29th)
Venue: Sogetsu Kaikan (1F)
Address: 7-2-21 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Admission: Free
T.T official site
the natural beauty of bamboo windows
Period: ~December 29 (Sun.)
Open: 11:00-12:00, 15:00-16:00 (only 11:00-12:00 session on 29th)
Venue: Sogetsu Kaikan (2F)
Address: 7-2-21 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo
(on) a subscription basis
Special page for "Sorebi of Bamboo Window
Shikami Official Site