Translated By DeepL

Two days of fishing in Lake Biwa! Autumn camp of HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB.
Go Go Round This Lake BIWA!

Two days of fishing in Lake Biwa! Autumn camp of HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB.

The year is fast approaching its end. Fishing is the perfect diversion for the HOUYHNHNM FISHING CLUB in the midst of our fast-paced lives. The time spent reeling in the great outdoors is therapeutic, and the preparations and fantasies leading up to the day of the event keep us excited. Now, where shall we go? After much planning, we decided on Lake Biwa, the Mecca of bass fishing in Japan, as our destination! This was my third visit. This was my third visit to Lake Biwa, and I enjoyed a different kind of fishing on this two-day, one-night fishing trip.

  • Photo_Fumihiko Ikemoto
  • Text_Shogo Komatsu
  • Edit_Yosuke Ishii
  • Special Thanks_DAIWA, Seven Palms Moriyama

Moving on to the next point, the size of the fish gradually increased!

The group enjoys fishing, moving from one point to another where four boats can fish in a solid group.

Murayama:I had a bite earlier, but it got away. ...... I think it was pretty big.

Komatsu:I finally caught it and it was huge! But the moment I took it in, I was in a good mood and it got away. ...... Mr. Hayashida told me it might have been 40 cm. I was not discouraged and switched to the other side.

The reaction is not bad! In the midst of all this, Mr. Saisu's rod flexes.

Saisu:I had no response to the Double Swisher, so I used a shad I bought yesterday at "Seven Palms". Mr. Miyake told me that the shad would bite if I passed it over waterweeds, so I tried that, and on the second cast, the shad bit. The staff at Seven Palms and Mr. Miyake's advice went together and I was able to catch the fish.

Moreover, Mr. Saisu caught another fish on the same lure!

Ishii:This point seemed to be fishable with shad, so I tried it and got a few bites, but one time I missed the hook completely.

The first of the day's weights was on .......

Mr. Miyake and Mr. Ikemoto also caught a batch of fish.

Ikemoto:I move from one point to another, but I use the cat rig anyway. The fish finder is showing big bass, so I hope they will bite.

Hayashida:I hadn't quite gotten the hang of how to probe, but I was finally starting to get the picture. I'm using a straight worm, but I'm choosing a size a little bigger than everyone else's. I get bites, but they don't bite hard. I think I have a chance because I fell apart in the front earlier.

Mr. Hayashida says so. When he moved to a new point, finally!

This is the largest size today!

Hayashida:Mr. Miyake told me to use a down shot in areas where the bottom was gravel, which would get a good response. That's exactly what he said. I was glad because I hadn't been able to catch any.

And Komatsu, too, managed to catch one.

Komatsu:To be honest, I wasn't catching any fish and was very impatient. The lure got tangled in the weeds and I was trying to get it off. I got a hit. I caught it with waterweed (laughs).

Then again for Mr. Murayama.

Murayama:It looks like they have become a little more active. It bit me before I landed on the bottom. It was small, but I am glad I caught it.

We continued to move around the point, but then the thunderclouds came into view, so we decided to cut out a little early. Safety first.