Translated By DeepL

Huinum's "Monthly ATMOS" Vol. 23 picks up a collaboration model with Salomon and other hot new sneakers!
Monthly atmos 2024 Nov.

HOUYHNHNM's "Atmos Monthly"
Vol.23 Pick up a collaboration model with Salomon and other hot new sneakers!

A great number of new sneakers are released every day. There are so many attractive ones that you may be at a loss as to which one to choose. ...... is a monthly series of articles to guide you in your sneaker selection. In this monthly series of articles that will guide you in your choice of sneakers, Fumifumi Kojima, director of atmos, carefully selects six pairs of sneakers from among the new releases in October and November 2024, and introduces each pair with its strength and episodes.

Notice the subtle detail work.

Huynem: Next, "Puma". And this one?

Kojima: The "Palermo" is one of the masterpieces of the trendy terrace style. This model is a triple collaboration between "PUMA," "ATMOS," and the Harajuku coffee shop "Baggage Coffee.

PUMA "PALERMO ATMOS BAGGAGE" to be released November 8, 2024. ¥14,300

Huynam: Hmmm. Why "baggage coffee"?

Kojima: We have something in common with "atmos" in that we are both based in Harajuku, and our mutual staff interaction led to this collaboration.

HOUYHNHNM's: What is the point of the arrangement?

The blue upper is the key color of Baggage Coffee and the corporate color of Atmos. Both logos are on the insole, and a dog icon is hidden under a tab on the side. ......

Huynem: Dogs?

Kojima: The motif is the dog of the owner of Baggage Coffee.

Huynem: I see. The twists and turns are very effective.

Kojima: This dog is also the mascot of Baggage Coffee. I hope people will enjoy it, including the casual attention to detail hidden in it.


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