Translated By DeepL

The reborn Freddie & Gloucester, this is the one to nominate and buy. Here are three recommended pieces for this fall/winter.

The new Corona has transformed people's lifestyles over the past year and a half. Many people have considered what they need and what they do not need in their daily lives. Similarly, in the fashion world, some people have begun to rethink what is essential and seek new paths. The select storeFREDY & GLOSTERis one of them. They rebranded this fall/winter and took a new direction to offer fashion that moves people's emotions.

The lineup of attractive clothing includes not only basic and simple wear that is easy to use in daily life, but also original items created with influences from various cultures, as well as special pieces made in collaboration with seasonal brands. The official website of this select store features five items that we, the editorial department of Huinamu, were particularly interested in, and here we introduce three of our favorites.


(Gloucester x Nanga) down jacket ¥47,080, (Gloucester) sweatshirt ¥7,150, pants ¥9,900 (Freddie & Gloucester)

First up is a collaboration with Nanga, a hot brand for the fall/winter season. This piece is made of Auroratex®, a waterproof and breathable fabric that is synonymous with the brand, and has a military-style arrangement with Velcro tape on the chest. The spacious silhouette and technical design are reminiscent of modern military wear. It is a heavy-duty item that is warm just by throwing it on, and it also completes your style.


(Freddie Mac) button-down shirt ¥7,590, T-shirt ¥3,960, (Gloster) track pants ¥7,920

The shirts that catch the eye with their bright colors are from Freddie & Gloucester's original "FREDYMAC" label. As the label's concept is "SUNDAY TOOL WEAR," it uses a stiff fabric like that used for workwear. The large silhouette stands out. The design is quite simple, but you can't help but feel a unique sense of style, such as the chest pocket, which is designed to casually allow pens to be inserted. The basic B.D. shirt is also trustworthy in the way that the collar has a proper presence and the basics of B.D. shirts are maintained.


(Gloucester) Cardigan ¥9,680, Hoodie ¥9,900, Pants ¥9,900, Watch cap ¥3,520

They say that "fashion repeats itself," and now grunge fashion is once again attracting attention. In addition to worn-out flannel shirts and damaged jeans with holes all over them, the item that symbolizes this style is, yes, the mohair cardigan. These days, prices seem to be skyrocketing on the vintage market. This one, with a large diamond pattern based on 50's vintage, has a normal box silhouette with a wide body width. Of course, its smooth feel is also attractive. This item is sure to be a big hit as outerwear in the fall and innerwear in the winter.

So, these are the three items we have introduced. As I mentioned at the beginning,Official site of "Freddy & GloucesterTwo other items are also featured in this section. Please check them out as well. We are sure you will find what you are looking for in these attractive items.

Photo_Shinsaku Yasujima
Styling_Yasuka Lee
Hair & Make up_Amano
Text_Yuichiro Tsuji


Freddy & Gloucester Futakotamagawa

Phone: 03-6431-0245
Official Site


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