Translated By DeepL

Extreme Sauna Trip Korean style in the great Miyagi and a secret cave found in Fukushima. Sauna Trip 2021 Autumn Vol.2

Extreme Sauna Trip Korean style in the great Miyagi and a secret cave found in Fukushima. Sauna Trip 2021 Autumn Vol.2

I want to travel. My patience is at the end of its rope. When the Corona settles down, I want to fly away like a dog released from its leash. So where to go? It is more fun to have a clear goal than to travel aimlessly. The answer we came up with was a trip to visit saunas in the Tohoku region, known as a "sa travel. We did some research beforehand and found that saunas in Tohoku are not well known, but we were more curious about the saunas in Tohoku. So, let's go to a sauna that is unique to Tohoku. This is a record of my "Sa-Travel" expedition, which took me to a total of five saunas in two days and one night, covering a total distance of more than 1,000 km.



